cannot send emails to

in MySonicWall
I was able to send emails to now all of the sudden i am getting rejected from, Notice the Delivery not authorized from the remote server.. anyone else having issues?
Delivery has failed to these recipients:
Subject: RE: Regarding 43661092 - Address group issue
Remote Server returned: '554 5.7.1 Delivery not authorized, CM=re 202104132021470183089;16'
Category: MySonicWall
@MPERU99 i had same issue one or two months ago. We use the HES and were not able to sent email to not purchase no support no communication with the SE. We finally noticed it when i got an invitation for a video conferenz with the SE an he didnt get our answer...
So the issue was something in the routing on the HES background. You should ask the support as well. We doublecheck emails to by sending tests from private accounts which worked. So we fix this to be an problem with the HES.
-- Thomas
LOL of course
What is HES?
I forgot to mention, that other people from my organization can email out to sonicwall, its seems to be my email address.
There's your answer.
See other posts about comments/posts being deleted for the same cause.
Ya im sure thats not it.
I was told yesterday by someone in support , they know that they have an issue and some emails are being blocked. - currently working with guy from corporate to figure out why mine specifically. as i am still able to login to just fine.. create and respond to cases just fine.. Other employees from my company can email just fine. so its not a domain/ip blacklist issue.
That is so strange, what e-mail provider do you use?
we host our own email server. (non exchange - but exchange compatible)
@MPERU99 try to log into the es with your email account. as you check the SPAM reports. I this working? Check within user,groups,domain if there is a (your) userlisted as locked
This can happen if you have activated flood protection on outgoing antivirus ...
Ran a SMPT test using SMTP_diagtool from the mail server, its definately blocked on Sonicwall end.
220 ESMTP SonicWall (
EHLO (our mailserver-retracted)
250 SIZE
250 2.0.0 Ok
MAIL FROM: <email retracted>
250 2.1.0 MAIL CM
250 2.1.5 <> CM
554 5.7.1 Delivery not authorized, CM=re 202104141523360292005;15
Error: SMTP protocol error. 554 5.7.1 Delivery not authorized, CM=re 202104141523360292005;15.
Failed to send messageForcing disconnection from SMTP server.
Connecting to mail server.
** correction - noone from our company can email sonicwall
Thank you for confirming, much appreciated
** correction on this.. no one from our organization can email so sonicwall- i thought it was just myself.
Unfortunately is absolutely not reachable.
DNS checks shows a totally unknown IP address for
Does the DNS has been hijacked??
Emails are now flowing between our organization and sonicwall, It was on sonicwalls end..
Good job Sonciwall for fixing this.
Hi guys,
maybe this is related, because HES customers reported about problems sending mails via the HES outbound gateway. It seems like a DNS misconfiguration. On SNWL's end because one of the authoritative servers can't resolve, whichs results in consequential problems resolving the HES outbound server name for example. This always depends what's in the resolver cache.
But only two of them got resolved:
*updated info for future references.
Supposedly our public IP was being reject by SNWL's grid ( not sure if they mean SendGrid or what they are referring to as grid )
it has since been greylisted to allow email flow.