NSM Template errors

Anyone else using NSM Templates and CFS ? Noticing some weirdness on my end. When creating new CFS policy and profile, everything looks 100%. As soon as as save and apply the template, the following happens.
I have checked this multiple times, deleted templates and recreated new ones, it happens every time.
Are errors and issues also logged via the mysonicall -> support page ? ( there's only a option from GMS )
Or does NSM have a dedicated support channel ?
Thank you
Category: Network Security Manager
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I'm using NSM and doing all sort of testing. I tried what you said and seems to work for me. Here is the screenshot for your reference.
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services
As stated, I have tested this multiple times, and it happens every time.
Why would option 64 duplicate so many times ?
@Saravanan I think I found the issue. Don't know how it missed it.
As soon as you make an edit to the CFS profile object in question, it blows up.
@Frannac - Were you able to get the error eradicated?
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services
I'll test a bit more, and get back to you.
Sure, thanks @Frannac.
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services
Hi @Saravanan
I am able to constantly replicate the error on my side. In fact, the error always happens.
I tried managing settings directly on a singe firewall, and this is what happens :
I deleted an cleared all CFS policies and CFS objects, created new one from scratch, which was trippled checked before deploying, and this happens:
Why is this happening ?
@FRANNAC - Sorry to hear that the issue still persists. I'm unsure and I feel that we'll have to work on this in real-time. Do you have time to approach our support team and seek for further help on this? Please refer below weblink for support contact number based on your region.
Have a good one!!!
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services
Will work with support on this one.
Thanks for the assist.
Sure, anytime @FRANNAC.
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services
For those interested, this issue is in the hands of the engineering team. Awaiting feedback from them.
To those still following, it looks like the issue has been resolved since NSM Version 2.2.0-R9.