Anyone else manually update signatures and they fail?

All 35 SonicWalls from NSa6650's to TZ400's that my company uses are in secure locations and not connected to the internet. We manually update the virus signatures as well as SonicOS updates.
Early October all was well, but now stating early November every signature file gives an error about being corrupt or requiring a keyset update. They are all running the newest SonicOS and this started BEFORE we updated the SonicOS so it is not a firmware issue.
Keysets were manually updated with keys from mysonicwall with no luck. Strange it happened to every device even though all our support/licenses are current for the next few years. Just wondering if anyone else manually manages signatures and if so, have you had issues like this recently?
Support has been "trying" to work on this support ticket since Nov 6 with NO resolution. Meanwhile all my critical firewalls sit without the latest signatures and I am getting a bit restless.
Were the new signatures downloaded in Contemporary or Classic mode? I can't speak for your products but for my new TZ670, I have to use Classic. SonicWall is aware of this and has a fix going through their release process.
But hurry 😂
EDIT: That was a joke obviously 😉
Yes this is exactly the issue. I have had the ticket on the signatures in since Nov 6. Support JUST suggested to try the classic mode and IT WORKED. Then the proceed to tell me that they already were working on the exact thing where signatures from the Contemporary Mode had issues unlike those from Classic.
Seems to me their website development team is NOT talking to the Support team because they did not seem to even be aware that classic mode was going away in under 30 days. I flat out asked why they would even have different signature files on the Classic page as compared to the Contemporary page. The signature file is from the same day, yet the last 4 or 5 digits of the .sig file name is different. SO apparently some team was tasked to develop two versions of signatures yet Support doesn't seem to know why.
I told Support to get to the bottom of the disconnect and to fix it before the web dev team kills off Classic mode. If not, anyone manually updating signatures will be back to the same issue on Jan 1.
Hi @MPC ,
I have sent you a private message asking for your case number. Please reply when you have a chance so I can escalate this for you.
Thanks Chris. It is 43546485
I have reached out to the team and they responded this is a known issue and being resolved via the below Jira tracking number.