Error in GVC Installer

Installed GVC over version on Windows 7 64bit. The installer asked for a reboot after installation so I did. This is the only software added/removed in the recent past. After the reboot I was unable to run some items from %systemroot%/system32 that are in my PATH from a command line. All items looked correct in the PATH. Upon further inspection the registry entries for PATH were changed to REG_SZ. When the registry items were changed back to REG_EXPAND_SZ and the system rebooted everything returned to normal. Please check you installer as it is the only thing that could have changed my registry.
curent user (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment)
system (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment)
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Have you tried the GVC client software for the appropriate bit version of the windows 7 client machine? Please try using the GVC client software version I still use this version on my windows 7 client PC and it works seamless. For windows 10, I prefer using the latest 4.10.x.x version of GVC.
Please give it a shot and keep us informed here.
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services
I never said the VPN client didn't work. I said the installer broke a core function of windows; the %PATH% variable.
Sorry, my bad. Thanks for correcting me. Could you check the event viewer logs on the client machine to find more details on the root cause?
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services
I have already explained what I THINK the root cause it. The installer routine for GVC changed the pasth statement in the registry from REG_EXPAND_SZ to REG_SZ for the user path and the system path.
@GUSMAN21 - Please approach our Support Team as per below web-link to discuss the issue in real-time and report it to the back-end team if required.
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services
We saw this same issue too and have opened a support case as well. This new version of GVC also is appearing as malware to several big AV providers so we are sorry we started pushing this update out already thinking it was important for the security fixes it supposedly contains, only to find it breaks things and is not above suspicion as malware itself 😕.
I click on the support link and it is asking for a serial number of a device. This has nothing to do with any device. This has to do with the Sonicwall Global VPN Client. Is there a support team for GVC?
I think you need a device with support license to get support from Sonicwall. Not that its been real helpful for us this past year.
Hello @gusman21 ,
Do you still require assistance with this question?
Thank you
we are seeing the same thing, is there any fix from the sonicwall GVC side?
Dism restore works as well.
yes i need help, is there any fix to the installer? we are seeing this behavior post install.
we were able to fix with DISM commands.
SonicWall was able to reproduce the issue. They will be releasing a new version of the GVPN Client. A simple work-around that I got :
Close any cmd windows
Go to the Windows Start Menu and start typing the letters 'env'. It will bring up the “Edit the system environment variables” control panel feature. Select the System environment variables choice.
Click on the Environment Variables button
Highlight the Path line and click the Edit button
If the highlighted WindowsPowerShell line is at top of the list, click on the Move Down button until it is positioned below the system32 and the System Root lines.
Click OK
Open a cmd window and try a ping, ipconfig /all, or another previously failing command.