Import and Export Custom log settings.

Has someone found a way to Import and export custom log settings? This cant be done via the GUI, is it possible via API or CLI?
The use case is that we create and golden log configuration and then want to import to new or existing firewalls.
Category: Mid Range Firewalls
Best Answer
shiprasahu93 Moderator
Since this was for Gen 7 appliances, I had provided this as a feedback during the beta process. You can use GEN7-11974 as the ID which was created to track this.
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Hello @daniel_lilja,
Yes, you are right. On the GUI, we have an option to save a custom log setting and import it anytime on the same firewall. But, the option of exporting that setting and importing on other firewalls is not available.
Let me check for the possibility of the same using CLI or API. I will keep you posted.
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Hi @daniel_lilja,
unfortunately we have no ways of exporting log settings without exporting the current configuration. I remember we had requested such feature in the past but let me follow up and see where it stands.
@daniel_lilja we verified with @shiprasahu93 and unfortunately this feature is not planned for our current firewalls' generation due to design limitations.
We're currently raising a Request for Enhancement for our next generation of firewalls.
Thanks for bringing this up @daniel_lilja. I have been asked the same question a lot of times. I have filed this as a request for the upcoming firewalls. I will keep you posted on how it goes.
Thanks for all your help @fmadia.
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Thanks, @shiprasahu93 and @fmadia so there isnt a RFE for this at the moment? That will be created now?
@daniel_lilja we had RFE 1817 previously reported but rejected due to the current OS design. We are working to create a new one but for the next firewalls generation.
@fmadia and by next generations firwalls, is that the 7.0 OS and Series?
That's right. We are moving to a Linux based OS for Gen 7 devices. So, we need to check if this can be done for them?
Gen 6 and 6.5 have OS limitations due to which this cannot be achieved.
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
@shiprasahu93 do you know if we got an RFE for this in the SonicOS 7?
Yes, it is already created for Gen 7 appliances.
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
@shiprasahu93 did you have the RFE id for this? So i can ask my SE push for it.
How is this done in Gen7? I only see an option to export locally, not to a file. I need to export log settings from one firewall and import to another. Also note that the configuration for log settings are a bit cumbersome. Each configuration change closes the window and brings you to the main configuration menu where you have to start looking for the sub menus once again. This is primarily why I want to create a template and export it so I don't have to go through so many steps.
Also note that the configuration for log settings are a bit cumbersome. Each configuration change closes the window and brings you to the main configuration menu where you have to start looking for the sub menus once again.
Yes, and thank you for pointing out the absolute absurdity of that design!
Hello shiprasahu93.
Please elaborate. Where do you see this?
Unfortunately, ShipraSahu is no longer active on this forum.
What she is referring to is the RFE - request for enhancement - to add this functionality to Gen 7 devices. That doesn't mean it will ever exist, it is merely a request. You can contact your Sales team to see what the current status is.
Thanks Larry.