Cannot RDP after VPN

Hello all. I have set up a TZ 350 so that an accountant can VPN into a workstation at company ABC... actually RDP over the VPN.
The VPN portion is working... I connect and receive an IP address but I cannot ping anything on the network.
My scheme is 10.1.1.x Company ABC scheme is 192.168.1.x
Upon enabling the VPN with the Global VPN Client I receive, after providing UN and PW, a 192.168.1.x IP.
I cannot ping anything on the network much less RDP in.
I did notice that there are no access rules TO the VPN.
Can anyone please assist?
Best Answers
shiprasahu93 Moderator
Welcome to SonicWall Community.
Since you mentioned that the access rule is missing, could you please add one manually as below
From zone VPN to LAN
Source: VPN DHCP Clients
Destination: X0 subnet
Service: Any
Action: Allow
Please leave all other fields on defaults.
If that does not help, please follow the KB below
Let us know hot it goes and we can assist you further.
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
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shiprasahu93 Moderator
No problem at all @Sheldon. Glad I could help. Have a wonderful day ahead!
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Wow Shipra... that didn't take you long. The only issue was that I didn't have a source called "VPN HDCP Clients"... I used "Any" instead.
I really really appreciate the help!