Unable to config physical and logical on Interface probing on TZ570

We would like to inquire about the issue where we are unable to configure physical and logical probing on interface probing under failover and load balancing (LB) on the network section. Previously, we were able to access and configure it, but now we can't. Is it possible that this function was disabled due to the new firmware?
Our firmware now is SonicOS 7.1.2-7019
Best Answer
BWC Cybersecurity Overlord ✭✭✭
@lgfamisan go into the settings of your "Defaulf LB Group" and check the tab Probing. If "Probe responder.global.sonicwall.com on all interfaces in this group" is enabled you cannot check per Interface and the option is greyed out.
Just disable that option and do your probing per Interface like you always did.
It worked! Thank you so much!