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Means to add event ID to syslog

id=firewall sn=********* time="2024-10-08 03:21:34 UTC" fw=***.**.**.*** pri=6 c=262144 m=98 msg="Connection Opened" sess="vpnc" n=6788850 usr="*****.*****@********.**" src=**.***.**.***:******:X1 dst=***.**.**.***:***:X1 proto=tcp/https sent=52 dpi=0 vpnpolicy="WAN GroupVPN" fw_action="NA"

This is the syslog that I currently receive from sonicwall vpn. Here I had already created rules based the priority level now I need to create rules based on the events.

Is there any means to add event id to syslog?

Category: SSL VPN

Best Answer

    BWCBWC Cybersecurity Overlord ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @Mithun_Haridas the Event ID is the value of "m=" in your syslog.



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