CMS update problem to version 12.4.3

I've got a problem updating the CMS to version 12.4.3. I have a version 12.4.2 with all fixes.
CMS on Hyper-V.
My three SMA's were updated without any problem and are working.
Has anyone had such a problem?
In the attachment you will find logs from my CMS.
Category: Secure Mobile Access Appliances
To see why the migration failed you would need to look at /var/log/migrate_12.4.2.log and/or /var/log/aventail/upgrade.log
I reinstall CMS, from new ISO image 12.4.3.
It only took me 30 minutes, I won't waste my time.
Now all working fine, but new instalation resets all Time-based One-Time Password users.
Best Regards
login to the appliance/CMS terminal and run the command
# mysql -e 'TRUNCATE TABLE monitoring.CRADestinationData;'
then try again upgradation it should work.