Unable to Register Device from device

I'm rolling out some TZ-270's.
I have set up a sonicwall account for my devices.
When I click on Register my device, I get the login prompt. I enter my username & password, wait and enter my MFA and then I get the error 'This operation cannot be performed at this time'
I found some KBs on it and did everything they suggested. When performing a 'check network settings', everything comes back as a green checkmark.
I're rebooted since I did make some DNS changes and still no access. I've deployed 2 so far and both are doing the same thing.
Best Answer
gsitton Newbie ✭
Found the issue. I had to register on the web first as we had older equipment and these were trade-ups. Once I did that, then I could register the device from the Sonicwall.
I had this issue rolling out TZ370 and NSA2700 for clients. They also used MFA. My consultant account does not. I ended up having to register with MY account then I transferred over to theirs. You may want to try disabling MFA for a day and registering then re-enabling MFA