DNS Filtering in 7.1

I'm trying to get the DNS filtering working in 7.1, but I think I'm missing something, as nothing is reported.
I've added DNS rules, as below.
The DNS Filtering profile is set to block all categories. But it doesn't appear to block anything.
Is there anything I'm missing? The KB articles don't mention anything else to enable.
Category: Mid Range Firewalls
That was it, I was using Google as the DNS server. Setting the firewall as the DNS forwarder fixed the issue.
Will there be any performance issues, when using the firewall to process DNS requests, for approx. 10k devices? They all use the local DNS server, that will have the firewall as the DNS forwarder.
@MartinDT I'am not using the DNS Proxy in larger deployments because of some shortcomings, it worked well in smaller environments.
10k will be a stress test, and my gut tells me to not use the DNS Proxy on the appliance and go for a dedicated resolver solution.
Maybe even a dedicated DNS Security solution would be advisable considering the number of endpoints.