EPC Agent install failed

We have an issue with NetExtender newly installed. We have enabled EPC by default for all clients, and since 2 days, we are facingto the following error : "The downloaded NetExtender installer cannot be validated. Please make sure that you are connecting to a trusted SSL VPN server."
This issue is on all computers wich not do NetExtender yet. We can manually download NACAgent.exe from SMA410 URL "https://url.com/NACAgent.exe". But downloaded version has an expired version certificate (at 11/05/2023), and Nx client won't automatically install it. From existing computer with NACAgent already installed, we have no issue and EPC run correctly before VPN establishment .
Do you have any solution to update NACAgent on SMA 410 appliance ?
We had already tested update SMA firmware on the lastest, and update EPC from SMA interface (, without success.
The only way to run correctly this fonction, is revert to oldest EPC version and install manually NACAgent on all new computers.
Thanks for your help,
I second this major issue and everything noted above.
We are experiencing the exact same thing and need a resolution ASAP.
Found a workaround...
Change the computer's date back to Nov 1, 2023, then connect and let all the EPC parts install.
Once installed, fix the date to the correct one.
Once installed it will continue to work with the correct date. The expired certificate only breaks the install, not operation.
Thank you for the information. I had been troubled by the same issue for the past few days, so I was able to temporarily resolve it by changing the date settings. I appreciate your help. If updating the firmware or EPC definitions doesn't make any sense, there's nothing we can do from the user side at this point.
For now have had to disable EPC check on new devices but have been told engineering will release a hotfix SMA release through support in the coming days.
Just received the hotfix in case anyone else impacted, support will provide it.
I've had a request open for days now, but it still hasn't even been assigned let alone answered.
Kinda sad the amount of wait-time I'm seeing for support.
Hi @als8070, I'm sorry to hear about this inconvenience. Can you send me over the case number so I can follow up on it?
Hi, do you have any solution for all of us ? It's mandatory to create a case ?
Hello @als8070, I see from the case notes that you were provided a hotfix. Did that resolve the issue at hand?
Hello,Now I have encountered this problem, could you tell me the solution? My case number is 44383311, Thanks!
Case # 44384888.
I received the hotfix and still have the issue. The certificate on the nacagent is expired and users are using version 10.2.337 and 10.2.336.
My users still cannot connect. Changing the date to November 1 is a band-aid and I have users who have already left the office for Thanksgiving travels.
Upgrade your appliance to the latest version,, released on Dec 04, 2023, which will resolve this issue.
After somes issues on, our appliance has been upgraded to the 10.2.11-65sv version, and the issue occurs again with the message : "The downloaded NetExtender installer cannot be validated. Please make sure that you are connecting to a trusted SSL VPN server." Same like first message of this thread.
Actually, all of our computers have EPC installed with 9.54 version and ran properly with SMA.
After upgrade, the URL "https://url.com/NACAgent.exe" from SMA 410 no longer exists. Before trying upgrade, we realized somes tests from SMA 400 in the same version (10.2.11-65), the path of file still exist (9.56) here, but not on SMA 410.
This file retrieved from SMA 400 and manually installed on computer can connect to SMA 410 without error. I don't understand why the same upgrade (SMA 400 vs SMA 410) have different things like hosting NACAgent file, and block our production environment. What do dev team ? The only way is to disabled EPC fonctionnality, under active licence (cannot reverse EPC version here to keep working).