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Cannot Delete Expiring Cert


I recently updated the SSLVPN Certificate on our firewall.

I got it validated, rebooted the firewall, updated the certificates in:

1.) Manage/SSL VPN/Server Settings/Certificate Selection, and

2.) Appliance/Base Settings/Web Management Settings/Certificate Selection

I'm attempting to delete the old cert, which only has 9 days left, and every time I receive the Status "Error: Cert is being used by: HTTPS SSL_VPN.

I've updated this for the past two years and don't recall ever having to change anything else other the two items above. What am I missing? This is a Gen 6 firewall.

Category: Mid Range Firewalls

Best Answer

    TonyATonyA SonicWall Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @pschmitz ,

    Could you try putting the self signed cert in both areas you mentioned and try deleting the expired one to see if it will delete? then apply the new one after this. Let me know if it works.


  • pschmitzpschmitz Newbie ✭

    Yup, that was it! Is there a reason why that happened, when the old cert wasn't assigned to either area?

  • TonyATonyA SonicWall Employee

    Glad that worked @pschmitz ! I'm not sure - could have been a caching issue. What firmware you are currently on? I haven't seen this issue in the past but curious to know which version you are running.

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