How can i disable one of my auto enable connection in GVC?

in VPN Client
Hi there, we use GVC to connect to our network from outside. We use to have one connecition IP adresse that i'v install on every Pc we have for my users. I enable the Auto enable this connection feature when i did it. Now we are changing IP adress, so i made another entry in the GVC, clic the auto enable connection and delete the old connection.
But each time the user open the GVC it still try to connect to the old entry which does not existe anymore in the GVC client?
Why? And where can i correct this?
Category: VPN Client
You might have to uninstall and do a cleanup, then redeploy.
Thanks, i allready did that and it works. But i was hopping for something easier.... i tried to search where it keeps searching for the old entry but did not find anything in the registry...