In licensing GVC/SSLVPN Count is showing like this 1 Max:6, what does it mean?

Best Answers
MustafaA SonicWall Employee
Hello @assadwaheed05
One (1) is the number of licenses you have for that service on the firewall and "Max:6" is the maximum number of node license you can get for this model. The limitation (max) has direct correlation to the hardware capacity. As you move up the firewall models, you will see that the maximum count will increase.
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MustafaA SonicWall Employee
Only one user will be able to connect at a certain time, due to one node license. Firewall will not allow multiple login sessions with same credentials at the same time, due to the license limitation. Each session consumes a license. And, on the firewall there is an option to enforce login uniqueness.
Thank you, Mustafa. If the count is 1 then can we have multiple login sessions with same credentials?