LAN port with DHCP

I just got a new TZ270 and I tried to config it as a DHCP server but when I plug the computer to other LAN X3 to X7, I cannot get any IP address from the DHCP server except the X0 that the management interface, I tried to search all the KB but still has no luck on it. Could some one please light me up? Thanks
Category: Entry Level Firewalls
When you go to Network then Interfaces, what Zone have your established for those X3 to X7 ports?
If none of them are LAN, then your DHCP server will not recognize them.
Similarly, you could set them to NativeBridge mode and it will automatically assign them to X0.
Hi Larry,
Thanks for your quick answer, there is a Zone which is LAN already and assigned to X0, so I did the same to X7 port to test but it request a static IP in order to click on save..... and the NativeBridge mode, I will give it a try and report back.
Still unable to get DHCP address from other LAN ports, only X0 can get the DHCP address, is there any rule or policy I need to change? Thanks
Please review your DHCP Server settings on the firewall. The following is just a reference of a SonicWall Live Demo firewall.
Thanks for the respond is it I need to create DHCP scope for each LAN interface? below is my current DHCP setting
Hi MustafaA,
Finally I got what you means.... I was worked with integrated Router+Firewall and not Firewall alone and I found out I need to config each interface in Firewall and for Cisxx we use vlan stuffs and assign all the interface to that vlan. Any thanks for the answer and now I have idea on what I am doing.
Best Regards
You are very welcome @yiu2k . I am glad you have a clear understanding now.