Change e-mail address

I'd like to change e-mail address for MySonicWall.
I looked through this disscussion below.
I would like to change e-mail and password — SonicWall Community
But I don't know if changing e-mail address for the MySonicWall account has an impact on the firewalls I registerd for this account. When I change e-mail address, do the firewalls restart or disconnect, or should I do something on the firewall devices?
The firewall devices are HA and using SSLVPN.
Thank you.
Best Answer
MustafaA SonicWall Employee
The firewalls won't restart but the firewall will lose license synchronization. You need to reset the trust between the firewall and the license server, as described in the KB article. Once this is done you can enter the creds.
Hello @MustafaA
Thank you for answering my question.