NSM 2.0

Any hint of a release date for this, have been waiting for a year on promises for this.
Also, any indication of what is being fixed or added to this, most importantly fixing the threat alerting for CSC and actual "user" reporting in analytics.
Looking forward to CSC/NSM becoming a product we can purposefully use and sell.
Category: Capture Security Center
Hi @RedNet ,
Good to hear that you are eagerly waiting for NSM.
Our next version of the CSC-MA is named as NSM and currently in beta. We have addressed lot of issues and made many enhancements. If you would like to participate in NSM 2.0 beta, please contact your Sales representative.
Let me know if you have any queries.
Thanks & Regards,
Hi @RedNet ,
That means they would have to listen to what we need and not do "what they want".
Too many promises...
Hi @Halon5 ,
If you have valid requirement, as a beta participant you can inform that to the dev team.
Thanks & Regards,
I wish.
Hi @Halon5 and @RedNet,
Please use instructions from the below web-link to participate in the SonicWall Beta Programs.
Have a good one!!!
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services
Well that would be great if it worked. - it doesnt. Its always been on.
@Halon5 ,
Are you not able to participate in the beta? Then that need to be fixed!! Could you update us on what seems to be broken.
Thanks & Regards,
@RedNet User reporting in Analytics has been available since the 1.7 release a couple of months ago. The prerequisites are that you have SSO enabled on your FW and you have the following IPFIX settings:
Hi @Poorni_5 ,
I am completely unable to get to the NSM 2.0 Beta
this is all I get.
P.S. @MasterRoshi , How are you supposed to find the DOMAIN\HOSTNAME and ZONE on which this THREAT occurred. This is a silly and quite unhelpful report. It tells the reader they are UNDER ATTACK and leaves them UNARMED. SonicWALL needs to ARM the TECH with the INFORMATION they need to immediately identify the ACTUAL DEVICE with USEFUL USER INFO. IP Addresses just create more questions.
Did the attack occur on the ZONE I care about?
Is the device one that we have sanctioned and named?
Is it in a ZONE in which the user is a DOMAIN user or BELONG to perhaps an AZURE AD ?
There are the kinds of questions we need to be able to answer. Not the same old crap we have been seeing for years.
Excuse me being blunt. BUT NOTHING NEW IS HAPPENING.
Thanks for the update, will be trying this now, its nice to have this community to get this info as I did not get this news from any other channel.
Do you know if the threat alerting via email is also now working in 1.7 or a link to a list of what was fixed/added in 1.7?
Hey @RedNet , as with everything else, the information is in the release notes on MSW. I have attached them here as well. I am not sure about your threat alerting issue (did you have a case or bug ID number?).