Post API call is success but objects are not getting created in UI

in MySonicWall
I am able to make get calls and recieve data from the SonicOS API. However when I try to create, edit, delete objects via POST call, even though the API call is success , the object are not getting created in UI and the user account is falling under non-config mode.
Category: MySonicWall
@Gandhi just to rule out the obvious, you issued the commit after the operation?
Yes , I've issued commit after POST api call, got success response as well. Just to include, I'm able to create object via UI. POST api call is giving success response but no change in objects from UI perspective.
Refreshing the UI does not show them either? This happens to me all the time when creating objects via CLI.
Maybe @Jaime or @MustafaA or some other with API experience will be more helpful than me.
@Gandhi , can you please share more details about the firmware, and which API sequences you are using? After change commit, when you run GET Request, do you see the object you added?
Have you managed to resolve this issue? It appears I'm encountering a similar problem. Despite successfully applying changes, creating objects, and modifying groups through the API, these modifications are not reflected in the client user interface (web browser). No new objects appear, and all changes seem to be absent.
Hi @paulweekley
Have you potentially missed to commit the changes? You need a POST request using the endpoint /api/sonicos/config/pending. Let me know!