Site to Site VPN nsv AWS

Hello, we are using a NSv 270 installed on AWS EC2. Everything is working fine, but we cannot figure out how to get a Site to Site VPN between our NSv on AWS and our physical on Premise Sonicwall to pass traffic.
We can create a site to site VPN using main mode and it negotiates successfully, however, if we try and access the subnet on either side of the tunnel nothing is getting thru.
Any suggestions or articles on how to do this correctly?
Category: Virtual Firewall
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Thank TKWITS, but these articles are for a Sonicwall to AWS site to site vpn.
I am looking for any help on a NSv installed on an EC2 at Amazon to a Sonicwall Phyiscal device.
What are your site to site settings on both ends? What are your access rules? Give us something to work with.
@SteveJ , building a tunnel between an on-prem physical firewall and an NSv is no different. If the tunnel is negotiated but the traffic is not flowing, I would suggest to check the inbound/outbound rules on AWS VPC.