SSL-VPN login page

in VPN Client
We are now using NSa2700 with 7.0.1-5111, we just upgrade from a NSa2600.
When user login to the sslvpnLogin.html with correct login credential, it will redirected to Auth.html? how to fix it?
Category: VPN Client
@Kelvin did you enabled HTTPS User Login on your WAN (X1) Interface? What does the Event Log shows for this login attempt?
@Kelvin , are you using UI6 user interface on your NSa2700?
Did you use the migration tool for the upgrade?
@TKWITS I wrongly press the correct answer tick box.
@MustafaA try the old sslvpnlogin.html and also the new virtual office ui
@BWC I need some time to check the log behavior.
updates: some user have no problem, but some user have problem to log on / or can't get the RDP login screen pop-up?
how can I remove the answered marker? 😥
@Kevin you can't, which is a bummer and I needed that in the past as well. There is no real progress in the community functionality, but maybe it'll be addressed somehow.
@Kevin did the users having the problem tried a different browser or the incognito mode for testing?
@BWC yes did try your suggestion but still the same, some people can, but some not.
I am thinking is there any Windows update or Java things which caused the issue.
Hi @Kelvin and @BWC,
Reach out to me or a SonicWall Administrator to remove an Accepted Answer from your thread. That functionality is reserved for specific permission rights.