Migration from TZ350W to TZ370W

I am REALLY hoping this is a bug in the migration tool, but when I upload a config export for a TZ350W as the source (6.5.4 firmware), I am not able to select any Gen7 TZ firewalls as the destination. It says not compatible.
I had recently used the migration tool for a different set of firewalls but the same exact migration except no wireless on the destination (TZ350W to TZ370). This was in December 2022.
Has anyone else had this issue recently? Has Sonicwall changed it's migration tool compatibility matrix? There seems to be an updated UI with graphics on the destination selection screen (snip below).
Category: Entry Level Firewalls
Oh boy. You have to click ON the device to select it. Once you do, the details appear in the window on the right, and you'll be able to click the Next button.
Sadly, the list doesn't render properly in Firefox:
What's new in v4.32.0
SonicOS 7.0.1-5095 firmware support.
Validation checks for source firmware version compatibility (source version >= minimum supported).
Validation checks for target devices as per Export/Import Support Matrix.
Released on Dec 09, 2022.
I'm guessing the reason they made this change was because so many people tried to use the tool and didn't realize what models would be supported. The traffic-light pattern helps reduce the overall chatter going to the support lines. But coding only for one browser type - IDK...
Thanks @Larry, I did attempt that previously, and unfortunately even when I select the target device (in this case the TZ370) there is a browser pop-up "Migration to the selected device is not supported. Please select a valid target device.", and there is no option to continue through via next (greyed out). I have a screenshot of that below. I have also tried on different browsers, as you are correct, the tool doesn't render properly in firefox.
Anyone have any insight into this?
Confirmed with a client's TZ350 and another's TZ350W. This will not work.
It sure does look like SonicWall somehow forgot to include the TZ350/TZ350W model in the "source" side of the migration chart (https://www.sonicwall.com/support/knowledge-base/can-settings-be-exported-imported-from-one-sonicwall-to-another-support-matrix/170505258332789/), and that's probably the basis for the coding of the web interface.
You're welcome.
I opened two cases with Support via the Migration Tool Feedback channel. One is for the problem with the list's appearance in Firefox. The other is for the missing SOURCE TZ350/TZ350W devices for the tool to process.
This issue has been already reported to our engineering team and they are in the process of fixing the Migration Tool. We can still help with this specific migration (Source TZ350/TZ350W) once you create a web case and reference DEVT-2986.
Received today (March 10, 2023):
We would like to inform you that the Migration Tool is currently unavailable and is under maintenance. It will be available once it is restored and notified for the same. In the mean time you may follow the below link or you may call into our support and talk to our technical support team with the assistance on migration.
So, good thing @nsky_aes posted and I have boundless temerity when dealing with a large organization.
Received today (March 14, 2023):
Thank you for contacting Sonicwall Support.
The Migration tool is expected to be under maintenance till 16th March as per the notification posted on the site: https://migratetool.global.sonicwall.com/
We would like to offer you an alternative where we will perform the migration for you.
Please provide us with the serial number of your source device.
Could you please provide us with the Source File ( from the GEN6 firewall ) and let us know which GEN7 Firewall were you planning to migrate to ?
The support case owner will help in facilitating the migration and attaching it on the case once the migration is completed. Note that the migration will be performed referencing the Firmware version of 7.0.1-5095 so please ensure that the GEN7 firewall is either on the firmware version 7.0.1-5111 or 7.0.1-5095.
Thank you
SonicWall Customer Service
The sad aspect of this is that URL resolves to an IP address in a Netherlands-based ISP. And because I have Geo-IP blocking enabled, and including the Netherlands, I cannot see what is supposedly displayed unless I create an Address Object and add it as an exception.
Not comprehending what the sadness is here. You have a self-inflicted issue and know how to work around or resolve it.