Protonvpn setup on NSA 3600?

Has anyone had any experience setting up a ProtonVPN on the Sonicwall platform?
I would like to configure the unit to host the VPN connection, and then have any ports connected to NSA 3600 be unbrella'd under that VPN connection.
This is possible, I was informed, but I am not sure where to begin. Searching the net yields little with the conbination of SonicWall and ProtonVPN.
If its a generic setup process, is there a good source for doing it?
Lastly, is what I am planning with this within the norm of operation? What additional setup do I need to explore?
Many thanks!
Category: Mid Range Firewalls
I have never heard of anyone doing this and must question why wouldn't you use Sonicwalls VPN client?
It's because I want to use ProtonVPN's network of servers to use the internet in one part of a network, while the other uses the internet without the VPN.
Instead of having to manage VPN clients on multiple computers, I want one network device to be an "always on" or "active" VPN. I think I am saying I want to use the built in functionality, just to connect out to Proton.
I don't have the need to data share between network locations, I have the need to segregate part of my network on an exclusive VPN connection to use the internet.
In essence, I want to setup the VPN on this network appliance to use the internet. Does this clarify?
Based on what you are saying I am now interpreting your question as "how can i configure a VPN on a Sonicwall to tunnel all (or some) internet traffic through a third party VPN service?".
Based on the link you provided I suppose it's possible using a site to site VPN using 3rd party certificates and the 'Use this VPN Tunnel as default route for all Internet traffic' option, but I've never done it.
I appreciate the re-wording, part of my problem is I did not know exactly what to ask.
Here is the gist, I picked this unit up on the 2nd hand market, and it's a home network, but with a fair amount of connectivity and devices, there is a home run business, etc.
I want to learn about the unit and how to use it further, eventually segregate all tasks away from the router that are not routing.
Before then, I was told in a support phone call what I wanted to do was possible, so I looked into it but find myself going in circles with acronyms, etc.
These kinds of units are powerful, they are going to find repurpose over time, is this something the community frowns upon or is it something folks here might want to work on together?
I am looking at the configuration for site to site, that was my guess, so I was at least thinking in the right direction. I will report back on how far I get.
The current platform does not support wireguard, is that correct?
Is there a way for me to work on a test configuration and share it here?
There is not going to be a reasonable way to do this, so I am not going to continue. Good luck to anyone that would get it to work.
"These kinds of units are powerful, they are going to find repurpose over time, is this something the community frowns upon or is it something folks here might want to work on together?"
I'd say most users of Sonicwall products do so in a business or enterprise environment, which generally requires products actively maintained by the manufacturer with some kind of warranty. Considering the NSA 3600 is now in 'Limited Retirement Mode', and thus receiving no new updates, it would not benefit a business to purchase them.
Don't get me wrong, the idea 'planned obsolescence' is detrimental to society but there are limits to how long something can remain viable. Is the hardware more than capable of providing the computing power needed to perform its tasks for even another five years? Yes! Unfortunately with no way to put any other kind of firmware / software on a Sonicwall than you are left with a less secure and less capable device than something that is supported.
I am all for repurposing hardware in the consumer realm, but it is unacceptable in business.