(DELL) SonicWall NSA 3600 - will not reset - please help

I have a Dell branded Sonicwall NSA 3600 that I can not get to reset.
I have followed all procedures, I have a flashing orange test light.
There is a lot of mixed info out there on what to do to get into the machine, can someone advise me on the correct info?, etc. With the MGMT console in flashing test mode, no clear setup of local NIC is available, what local gateway, what DNS?
I read this thread and tested all the options to no avail:
I have tried MGMT, X0, all of them.
I have tied over Putty and the console, no luck.
And I also ran thru this link:
Best Answer
FFour Newbie ✭
The information out on the net on this unit is incorrect. The correct initial IP after reset is
That fixed everything.
During the support call, I suggested the person update the knowledge base because its all a mess out there in terms of mixed messages. I did not have a valid support license, but he was kind enough to help.
I hope this may help others...
Follow the below video tutorial for the Firewall factory reset.
Thank you. I followed this exactly, but your video cuts off when you set the subnet mask, dns and gateway. What are those values?
When I do this with x0, the port does not light up. The unit is not the same as your vid, its this one.
The exact behavior is: cable in x0, normal start, x0 is lit. Hold reset, wait for orange test, orange is solid, then starts flashing and x0 cuts off. Moving the cable to MGMT and it lights up.
Cable is connected to a standard PC NIC/WIN 10.
Cable in MGMT, PC has no response either via PUTTY or browser to Is this as simple as it being a different IP, or is there a way for me to discover what its current IP is?
Any other assistance would be greatly appreciated...
@@FFour sorry that I'am late to the party and I'am glad that you figured it out. But MGMT was always on and the deployment guide would be probably the most helpful here:
Best of luck with your next adventures on the NSA 3600 :)