SonicOS is webposted as Maintenance Release In MysonicWALL

Hello Everyone,
SonicOS is available in Mysonicwall portal as Mainitainence Release.
Please find the release notes attached below
Nevyaditha P
Category: MySonicWall
Nevyaditha P
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Thanks for the announcement @Nevyaditha !!
Also, attaching the firmware upgrade KB for a quick look if you are planning to upgrade.
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Sonicwall Mobile Connect not working with SonicOS
TIP: Check Sonicwall Mobile Connect before rolling out the software in your office.
Sonicwall Mobile Connect can connect no data. We reverted back to
Tested on TZ500 & TZ500W
Best regards, Rene
Hi @Sliderhome ,
I am really sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Can you brief me if you have the SSLVPN configured in Tunnel mode or Split mode ? Are you having issues accessing the Resources on the LAN subnet or across the site to site VPN network ?
Please brief us about the issue so we can try to replicate it on my end.
Nevyaditha P
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Hi @Sliderhome,
Sorry for the inconvenience caused because of the latest upgrade. I am pretty sure that this release went through all possible level of testing, in spite of that you are seeing issue.
The best thing now is to reach out to our technical support team by opening a case, so that they can try if the issue can be reproducible internally and work on the issue.
The possible ways of reaching out our support is provided below.
Let us know if you need any further assistance on this.
Thanks & Regards,
Hello Poornima.T.R.
Current config is tunnel mode. It is working with the old firmware With the new firmware & Sonicwall Mobile Connect V5.0.15 (running on android 10) it will connect but it will not pass data (I only get an ip address). Tested on 2 sites
Firmware is working fine with net extender V9,0,279 and GVC V4.10.2.0428 (running on windows 10 build 1909)
Tomorrow I will test with a factory reset tz300 if I have the same problem and, if necessary, contact support.
Best regards, Rene
@Sliderhome ,
I did testing on a NSa 2650 with SonicOS Enhanced for the SSLVPN route all mode.
I used the Sonicwall mobile connect (v 5.0.5) from the windows store and then Netextender as well for testing the connectivity and was able to access the traffic through the tunnel. I will try to upgrade the mobile connect client version and test and let you know if there is any change in results.
Please keep us posted with your test results.
Thanks !!
Nevyaditha P
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Hello Nevyaditha.
We both did not test the same way.
You tested: Sonicwall mobile connect (v 5.0.5) Windows
We tested: Sonicwall Mobile Connect V5.0.15 Andriod
The problem is only with Sonicwall Mobile Connect (tested with andriod), Netextender and GVC are working fine.
Best regards, Rene
@Sliderhome ,
Oh!!. I got it .. let me check on that part and then update you back.
In the meanwhile if the issue is still persisting please feel free to call into the Support for immediate assistance.
Nevyaditha P
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Hello Nevyaditha P
Tested with a clean tz300:
v6.5.4.5-53n Working properly
V6.5.4.6-79n Only connection no data.
Tested with the beta v6.5.4.6-70n, Working properly
It has to be a bug in firmware V6.5.4.6-79n
The problem is only with Sonicwall Mobile Connect V5.0.1 running Android
I will contact support and open a support case.
Best regards, Rene
Opend a case:
case no: 43425719
Best regards, Rene
Hi @Sliderhome ,0
I had issues with accessing resources over SSLVPN with Mobile Connect (5.0.15 )on Andriod .
I did check our internal resources and found that this is already being updated to the backend team and they are working on it.
Thanks for the creating the case.
Nevyaditha P
Nevyaditha P
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Thank you for letting me know.
Hi @Nevyaditha
Case# 43427455
Could you kindly also help check if this firmware version also includes a fix for the issue that the manually configured DHCP lease ranges and static IPs got wiped out and had to restore from backup?
Hello @CMSWKnight,
I think you are talking about GEN6-1000 regarding 'DHCP Scope will be lost after modifying any setting in the interface edit page'. Yes, this is fixed on release.
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Hi @shiprasahu93,
Thanks for the reply. I read the release note pdf and this GEN6-1000 is in the wireless category. The issue I had was not just wireless. It's the entire dynamic and static settings I have setup got lost. May I confirm this fix also matches exactly to the issue I encountered?
Thanks a lot.
Hello @CMSWKnight,
I can see GEN6-1253 also raised for non-wireless interfaces and that issue is also fixed on the release.
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Hello @shiprasahu93,
Sorry I still can't seem to find the 'GEN6-1253' info in this release note pdf. Could you kindly send me the URL link about this issue ID or the pdf that has this info?
Hi @CMSWKnight ,
I did verify on our end that the GEN6-1253 is marked as duplicate for the GEN6-1000 which is stating that the issue is resolved in
I will check on our end and see if I can get more info for you.
Nevyaditha P
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Hi @CMSWKnight,
Not all issue IDs are added on the release notes based on affected devices, priority etc. As mentioned by @Nevyaditha, the issue ID GEN6-1253 is marked as duplicate for the GEN6-1000. Since you already have a SR open with SonicWall support, feel free to directly ask for confirmation regarding the issue ID and Support should be able to confirm the same over email for you.
The issue IDs are used internally for tracking purposes and we do not have the list available publicly. But, you can certainly ask for a confirmation email from our support team specifically regarding GEN6-1253.
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
I would like to note, this same issue also exists with site-to-site between TZ300's and an NSa2650.
LAN resources behind the NSa2650 is able to communicate with all LAN resources behind the TZ300 in almost all cases, but the LAN behind the TZ300 has all traffic blocked through the VPN tunnel. I had ONE instance out of 23 where traffic was blocked in both directions.
This works just fine with v6.5.4.5-53n, but if EITHER the TZ300 or the NSa2650 are upgraded to v6.5.4.6-79n it breaks.
I have confirmed that all appropriate Access Rules and NAT Policies exist.
My network configuration: Hub-and-spoke type connection. 23 remote sites (each a TZ300) connected to one central hub (NSa2650). A couple of the remote sites may be connected to one other remote site (if they are close and share some personnel/resources), but not all are interconnected. After upgrading firmware, it seemed to be random on when it occured, but after about 24-48 hours all the sites lost connection to the main hub. No changes to any rules were done at ANY locations between the updates. Only thing done was a manual cloud backup, upload of new firmware, then restart using new firmware.
We don't have the problems with site to site connection.
Multiple tz 300,400 and 500 connected to one central hub tz600, No problems or disconnections.
Fixed ""
Today I received the new firmware "" from Sonicwall
This firmware fixed the problem.
You have to make one extra setting to make it work (new option in this firmware).
All thanks to @J, SonicWALL TAC
Thank you @Sliderhome for the update.
Nevyaditha P
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Can I apply this hotfix "" through SSLVPN? That is, I connect to firewall administration panel through SSLVPN, then apply this fix. What worries me is that I need to connect SSLVPN in order to enable CCP. Will I be able to access SSLVPN after upgrade in order to enable Compression Control Protocol setting?
Hello Fabin.
1) Yes with NetExtender.
2) Not with Mobile Connect . To enable the "Control Protocol setting" you first have tho have connection. Which is not possible without this setting.
SLIDERHOME, can you send me that firmware link?
Hello @Bobby60641,
Welcome to SonicWall community.
You would need to contact SonicWall support for getting that HF firmware based on the firewall model you are using.
The following KB gives more details on this issue.
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Hi, just FYI, this is still not fixed in and running Mobile Connect on the client side.
I have a firewall on and can see the option 'Enable Compression Control Protocol(CCP) for SSL VPN Connections' available. This needs to be in enabled state for the Mobile Connect to work right from Android/ Chromebooks.
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Sadly, this parameter doesn't help when you are on a W10 or Mac. Besides, it's 'Enabled' per default :