Solo Sumup not getting out to server

HI Community,
I have an issue where our solo sumup POS is not connecting to it's external server to process transactions when used on our WIFI. The Solo device works perfectly fine when used with the GSM cellular service. I have created a Service Object (ssl 443) as advised by Solo and an Address Object using FQDN as advised by Solo. I can see the FQDN resolves to 2 IP addresses used by the Solo Servers.
A Rule is also created using the above for the Solo device to contact it's server with no luck.
SonicWall NSa 4650 is in use. We use internal DNS and the Solo's IP is reserved with our Internal DNS entries.
Any thoughts on this please?
@Asif_Iqbal just make sure that no traffic is dropped by your Firewall, I suggest running a Packet Monitor for the IP address of your Sumup Device. Make sure the Device can reach a DNS resolver. By reserved IP in DNS I assume you meant DHCP, which is responsible for assigning an IP address :)
@BMS, Thanks for your reply and yes DHCP assigns and we then reserve what we need to .When you say DNS resolver, I trust you mean our Internal DNS server or external e.g.
Yes, to whatever address is assigned to your Sumup as DNS needs to be able to resolve properly. I guess it'll be your internal DNS.
Packet Monitor will show you if anything got dropped on that front and you can examine what DNS requests are made.
@BWC - great stuff, I'll check this.