CFS not work in full

I am setting up a CFS and I have a problem. It does not work in full. I did a basic configuration and the site counter works but I have no blocking (HTTP; HTTPS).
I don't have any site block logs.
When I change the configuration is that I enable "enable Safe Search" google and bing, it works during my searches. I have many logs that go back, but HTTP and HTTPS sites are still not blocked.
I'm stuck and I need your help.
Category: Firewall Security Services
Most (>90%) sites use HTTPS these days and without DPI-SSL CFS is hardly effective.
That said you should have at least some blocks being effective. I'd suggest creating zone-specific CFS Polices (LAN to WAN, GUEST to WAN, etc.) and working with those.
I don't believe the Default CFS Policy is supposed to be ALLZONE to ALLZONE, that might be your problem.
Thx, i have active DPI-SSL to. In my case i have juste 1 zone for the traffic in and out. I not use LAN & WAN.
My TZ370 is behind a bintec. I have to restore it for make my process of installation and the CFS doesn't work. Befor it works fine.
I don't find the error. I think ALLZONE to ALLZONE might be my problem but when i change it they'r is not change in the CFS.
I change all my conf and it works fine.