Log Automation and Exchange Online failed to authenticate

Hello all,
Has anyone here successfully got their Sonicwall to authenticate to EXO? I'm pretty sure I have everything setup the way it should be since I've done this before with other appliances.
mail server: smtp.office365.com
advanced settings: smtp port 587
Security method: startTLS (also tried SSL/TLS)
Enable SMTP Auth
verified the correct user/password by logging into to outlook.office.com successfully
SMTP is turned on in EXO for that account.
Category: Mid Range Firewalls
Yeah I'm aware on how to set it up. Just doesn't seem to want to authenticate through the Sonicwall. I've set these up plenty of times with MFC's with no issues. I'm using an O365 relay for now.
There are three options on that page to accomplish what you are trying, two of which do not require authentication.
Try option 2 or 3.
I actually got it working with authentication in the end. Had to toggle it on for the entire Org then back off.. And then only allow SMTP auth on that specific account. Even though it was all set this way previously for whatever reason this worked.