Blocking All Uploads

Has anyone used a SonicWALL to successfully block users from uploading files to all websites? I setup rules based on the article below, but I'm still able to upload files to services such as Gmail and
Is this an impossible task?
Best Answer
preston All-Knowing Sage ✭✭✭✭
@tubadave17 , another way you could do this which would better as the first example doesn't account for if users change the filename extension i.e. from .pdf to .txt
Create a match object like the below selecting to file types you would like to block
And then create an App rule as below
This way even if the user changes the extension the App rule will detect it is a PDF file and block accordingly as below,
the file I tried uploading to gmail I renamed the file from .pdf to .txt and as you can see the file was still correctly detected as a PDF file
@tubadave17 you will have better luck with a custom object & Custom rule and exact match using the same format in your match object
F.Y.I. just tested with Gmail and it does block uploads
N.B. You must have DPI-SSL Enabled for it to work correctly and you also need to create a firewall rule outbound to block UDP 443 Google Quic Protocol
make sure you add the extensions as .exe etc.. don't forget the full stop
You can choose what direction
the Blocked page and the entry in the logs
Thanks @preston . I'll give it a shot!