How do I track web traffic per device?

in SonicWave
I have a new SonicWall and am unfamiliar with it. I have tried to configure it so that I can log all web traffic as it relates to the devices in my household, however, I have been unable to figure out how to do that. Can anyone help or point me to some documentation that will detail how this can be done?
Category: SonicWave
See my comment here:
Thank you, based on the first reference, it's set up correctly. I seem to have a different version than the second reference, however, so I'm struggling to make sure it's correctly set up. I'll look into it again this weekend and see if I can map the correct locations. Thanks!
@kulacrosse SonicWALL wants you to buy their logging and reporting system, GMS (server on premised) or network cloud. This will log all the data for later review. You could setup a syslog server and try to parse it but not so easy.
Great, I guess I should have not trusted the advice of my IT friend blindly. $500 in the hole for a home device and it doesn't even do what I want it to do - which is completely ridiculous for that price. This is the most basic of functionality! 😤
Thanks for clarifying!
Sonicwalls are NOT consumer-grade devices. Business/enterprise devices commonly require licensing to access features.
It helps to do your own research.
Wow, are you this nice in person too? FWIW, a good friend that's a senior IT engineer recommended this device to me based on my other needs.
I do not mean to offend, I am just straight forward.
To clarify, you do NOT need GMS or NMS to get reporting. You can get that from AppFlow reports (which as I mentioned in the post I linked above, is a licensed feature), but then you'll find there are other limitations...
You might be able to get your money back. I believe authorized resellers are supposed to give you 30-day return policy if you don't like it.