Tech Tips: Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) On SonicWave Series

Hi All,
SonicWave series is equipped with the functionality of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), which is a subset of classic Bluetooth. It is the perfect wireless protocol for IoT devices that run on battery and that need to last for long.
BLE enables smartphones, tablets, SonicWall mobile Apps, and other devices, such as other SonicWaves, to easily connect to the SonicWave access point, especially when in close proximity to an iBeacon appliance.
The low power Bluetooth protocol is recognized for being interoperable across platforms, and it is easy to work with in the development of new devices. BLE is a low-cost standard which allows you to focus on what is important for your business.
BLE also provides location estimation and an easier SonicWave configuration.
Please check the Link below on how to configure the setting on Sonicwave :
Bluetooth LE is excellent for sending small amounts of data with a high frequency. It uses very little energy in the process, which conveniently means less charging along the way.
Thank you
Nevyaditha P
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Hi @Nevyaditha ,
This presents as something really useful.
So a use case might be connecting some of those pesky IoT devices. Can you give us a blow by blow example of a setup?
Would you present via the firewall appliance by splitting traffic off to an isolated ZONE ?
I'd like to see some examples of a deployment.
Thanks, Stephan
Hi @Halon5 ,
Surely, I will try to deploy the scenario you have requested and will come up with an Knowledge base article for the same.
Nevyaditha P
Nevyaditha P
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Hi @Nevyaditha ,
Yes, I would love to see a "cookbook" that leverages this function. :)
Best, Steph.
And the use cases were?
Hi @Halon5 ,
I am working remotely from home and don't have access to physical SonicWave at the moment. I am having issues with testing this scenario with respect to end user devices connected. I am trying to get the test done through different means.
I will update the thread with the KB article once it is done.
Appreciate your patience.
Nevyaditha P
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services