0 byte upgrade file from Migration tool

I am trying to upgrade from a TZ400 to a TZ370W and when I use the migration tool it says it is successful but it outputs a 0 byte file. If I attempt to upload that file to the target firewall it says it is corrupt. I have opened the file in notepad and it has no content at all in it.
Category: Entry Level Firewalls
Best Answer
Larry All-Knowing Sage ✭✭✭✭
Are you running the Migration tool from within MySonicWall or from the URL?
I just ran this in Firefox from the URL (https://migratetool.global.sonicwall.com/) and it provided the appropriately sized output file.
Suggest you try an alternate browser and go direct.
Post your results.
This did work. I was using Chrome originally (I was using the URL provided). Tried it with Firefox and it correctly output a normal sized file.
Good day.
I have to migrate from NSA2400 (release to NSA 2650 (
During the process, the original configuration seems to be found as the migration tool see the interfaces with correct settings. But finally I got the same issue having 0 byte output file. I tried the migration tool, with Chrome and Firefox.
Any idea?
@tcantin - the only suggestions I have: Open Firefox, clear the browser's cache (retain your cookies), close Firefox. Reopen Firefox and retry the Migration Tool.
As said:
Clear Browser history
Try different browser
try a different PC if you are behind a FW with GAV or simialr
Try a 1:1 mapping inside the config tool
I had the same issues and at one point it finally worked. However afterwards 2 o3 FW rules were missing and 2 NAT rules were not migrated - so even if it works a thorough inspection is needed
so even if it works a thorough inspection is needed
THIS! So very much so!
The only options I can come up with (thanks @TKWITS ) is:
Either approach is mind-numbingly tedious.
The alternative is to build from scratch. But there's no telling how long that could take when a device can have upwards of several dozen Rules and 100s of Address Objects and Groups.