Gen7 - DPI-SSL Server - SSLabs - Chain incorrect

i've published an internal webserver via DPI-SSL Server to the internet.
So far it's working fine.
I'm using an Sectigo wildcard serticate, which has some intermediate certificates in the chain.
When I test the URL with I'm getting onlya B rating due to chain issues.
I've installed the intermediate certs on the Sonicwall, but it seems, that DPI-SSL Server does not send these intermediate certificates to the client.
Is there any way to configure the sonicwall to send the intermediate certs to the clients?
Category: Entry Level Firewalls
Hi @BWC,
i used openssl to get cert und key file out of the pfx. Added the intermediate file to the cert und created a new pfx. Imported the new pfx into Sonicwall and activated it in DPI-SSL Server.
SSLAbs is now chowing an A.
Thanks for your help.