Is it possible to push polices or rules via NSM to a group of firewalls managed by NSM?

For example, if all my remote firewalls are in a group that share common zones such as LAN/WAN, can I push a firewall rule to deny traffic from LAN (any) to WAN (specific IP) via the NSM appliance?
Was also wondering if this capability is allowed for the content filter. Can I push a content filter policy from NSM to all my managed firewalls or do I have to go into each firewall individually?
Best Answer
Ajishlal Community Legend ✭✭✭✭✭
Hi @ryanf
LAN to WAN ACL, That also possible.
Contenet Filter, Yes it's possible through NSM. For further information just visit the sonicwall demo site and select the NSM and navigate to the NSM cloud.
NSM Data Sheet:
you can use the NSM template function. Create a template then apply to firewalls, firewall will have the template contents(objects,acls).
Is this only possible with NSM cloud? I have the on-prem version and I don't see in the top menu "Manage". I only see "Home" and "System".
I do have this in demo mode, not sure if that is part of the issue as well.
I was in the wrong view in the system, I have figured it out. Thanks.
Hi @ryanf
Glad to help. Feel free to mark an answer for others to see.