Local internet browsing slow when Net Connector client connected

Hi all. Hope everyone's staying safe in these interesting times.
So, we have an annoying problem that when NetConnector VPN connections are made, client web browsing becomes sluggish. It doesn't die, it just introduces a pause of about 5 seconds before any url can be reached.
First the caveat that I have no idea about VPN, very little about networking in general and I'm working from what the IT company we used set up. All client machines are windows 10.
Google-fu reveals something called split-tunneling which, as far as I can tell, allows you to specify what type of traffic goes through the VPN client. However this is enabled and tracert suggests web traffic is indeed travelling through my local IP and not the assigned 10.1.1.x address the VPN gives me.
So I'm at a loss. Any ideas or help in diagnosing the root of the problem would be most appreciated.
Best Answers
shiprasahu93 Moderator
I see that you are on firmware, you can either upgrade to (maintenance release on GR branch) or (latest maintenance release).
Also, please check for the DNS server configuration and make sure that they do not have public DNS IPs there. You can leave them on if you do not have any internal DNS servers.
Also the user that you are testing with, should only have internal networks in VPN access section. You should also check that it is not inheriting some bad access due to user groups that it is part of. It shows inherited if it is getting something from another group.
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
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JanRogowski Newbie ✭
@shiprasahu93 I have resolved the issue. The client settings had a DNS server address ( and when I reset this to everything appears fixed.
Many, many thanks for you help!
Hello @JanRogowski ,
Could you please let us know the version of NetExtender you are using? The following KB explains the configuration procedure for SSLVPN.
You would need to check if there are any unnecessary SSLVPN client routes or VPN access added to the client you are testing with? Also is this SSLVPN connection made to a firewall or a SMA appliance? And what firmware are you running on the appliance you are connecting to?
I hope that helps!
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Thanks for the super prompt response @shiprasahu93 ! To answer your questions:
NetExtender 9.0.274
Model: SOHO wireless-N
Firmware Version: SonicOS Enhanced
I found this in MANAGE>SSLVPN>Client Settings>Default Device Profile
I shall look at the web link now, thank you!
Fantastic, thank you. I shall look at this now.
Perfect! I am glad that the issue is fixed!
You have nice day ahead!!
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services