Unable to Migrate 3600 Gen 6 settings to 3700 Gen 7

I am unable to migrate from NSA 3600 to 3700
I have done the following
- exported 3600 config
- migrated the configuration using https://migratetool.global.sonicwall.com/
- imported config in 3700
The 3700 has all interfaces and zones, but there are no address objects, service objects, access rules.
Can anybody help?
Thank You very much!
Category: Mid Range Firewalls
I am not the only here that would say this but, dont rely on the compatibility matrix or migration tool. Recreate the config manually.
Did you follow the instructions in this KB?
From a recent discussion with some SonicWall SEs, you need to explicitly follow each and every step.
Yes, I followed exact this KB
That being said, if you have the time and the patience, I suggest you open up a new case with Support. At a minimum they are going to want the before and after files, probably more. If you go this route, please post the case number and update upon resolution.
Otherwise, please follow TKWITS' advice and build from scratch. It seems to be the only way of knowing - for certain - that everything you had in place in the Gen 6 device is in the Gen 7 device.