WWAN Issue

We have a Dlink DMW-222 vA2 4G Dongle which is on the SonicWALL Approved list.
When connected to U0 and the TZ350 is powered on, "no device was detected" is displayed in the 3G/4G status page.
We also have the same results when the dongle is connected to a TZ300 and a Gen7 TZ470.
The dongle works in a laptop.
Someone has mentioned that the dongle is in "USB-Mode" and needs to be switched to "Modem-Mode" via CLI.
Please can someone advise, is this done via the SonicWALL CLI?
Category: Mid Range Firewalls
Best Answer
GrahamBarnes Newbie ✭
Problem resolved.
Newer Firmware was available from DLink which was installed and detected straight away by the TZ300.
Did you try with "3G/4G/LTE/Mobile" instead the Auto Detect?
Hi @Ajishlal , thanks for your suggestion.
Yes, it is set for 3G/4G/LTE/Mobile.
I have also created a primary profile.
I have also added the U0 interface to the load balancing group (basic failover) in the hope that would make a difference.
As mentioned before, I have the same issue if I connect this dongle to a TZ300 or a TZ470.
I'm just wondering if I have to do something in particular to the dongle or do I request a replacement?