TZ 670 Log Dump Emails

I have a TZ 670 with a 32GB card. I have the memory settings to save logs to secondary storage. I have it set to send a log dump to my email when the log is full. I get log dumps every few days. There is very little usage on the memory card.
With the secondary storage, should I be getting these log dumps frequently or should it fill up more on the secondary storage?
I am on Firmware 7.01-1456.
My NSa 2650 hardly sent log dumps.
Category: Entry Level Firewalls
Another bug.
Under Automation, Email Settings, the email address under "Send Log to Email Address" and "Send Alerts to Email Address" disappears.
The email address I had entered is gone and lists
I realize this when I am not getting any alert emails.
I have a case open on logs randomly dumping to email and also noted this email disappearing issue. Case has been open since 6/30/21. Not as bad as other cases open since 6/2/21 and 6/4/21 for different issues.
I am 1456 since on 5018 the box randomly booted, Often many times in one hour. Another post and case on that.
@Rinconmike, I've tested this on my appliance with R1456 and I'm not seeing the issue, how did you roll back from R1709 (5018) ? did you do it via safemode and boot with FD then re-import the config?
I had this issue before going to 5018.
To downgrade I did method 3 in the KB. I uploaded 1456, booted to factory default, and imported the EXP. I did not do it in safemode. The KB did not note that.
@rinconmike, do you get the same issue with the log automation settings before you import your config?
@preston yes. I had the issue on 1456 before I went to 5018. I believe I had some of the issues on 5018 as well, but I was not on that long. First issue was dump to emails. There were some times I got 2 or 3 dumps in a day. This was before and then after I had secondary storage enabled. Second issue I have seen again before updating to 1456 is the email I have set to sent alerts and logs to gets wiped as if I never entered it. This is after it was working and i got alerts.
After 5018 due to random reboots, I downgraded. I downgraded by uploading the 1456, boot to factory default, and then importing the EXP that I exported before I upgraded to 5018.
I opened a case on this on 6/30/21.
Hi @Rinconmike , it was the second issue, I was talking about the entries for the email address being cleared, did you try this before importing any configuration after upgrading to R1456, that bit does sound a bit like a caching issue with the browser, it would be interesting to see if it is that or something to do with the config file you are importing.
yes. Had the issues with emails before upgrading to 5018. I do not think a browser issue since I was not getting email alerts.
Changing logging levels reset the email address in automation.
Support suggested it.