Any success installing Net Extender on Raspberry Pi 4?

I just picked up a Raspberry Pi 4 to turn into basically a terminal for my remote work computer running Windows 10.
I followed the instructions from here for Linux Install to install the 32-bit version of Net Extender.
I also installed OpenJDK and pptpd
java -version
openjdk version "11.0.11" 2021-04-20
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.11+19-post-Raspbian-1deb10u1)
OpenJDK Server VM build 11.0.11+19-post-Raspbian-1deb10u1, mixed mode)
Any tips?
Best Answers
TKWITS Community Legend ✭✭✭✭✭
I've never had luck with the GUI on linux (Debian 10). I use the CLI if/when I need to use it (which is rare).
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Arkwright Community Legend ✭✭✭✭✭
./install: line 298: /usr/sbin/netExtender: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
You are trying to run the x86 NetExtender binary on an ARM CPU and that won't work[*]. Given that they don't even do a Windows ARM version, then hoping for a Linux ARM version is probably an even longer shot!
*It might work with some extra software layer? Never tried it. You won't be the first person wanting to run x86 binaries on ARM so perhaps there is something out there.
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Simon Moderator
Best I can tell there is a Netextender on Windows ARM under development. I don't have any information on availability.
On the SMA 1000 product line, Connect Tunnel client, we currently support ARM on both Windows and Macintosh (Apple M chips).
The driver for Windows ARM support was Microsoft Surface PRO systems on ARM.
Mobile Connect has supported on ARM almost since inception, for Android originally. Since this is only distributed via Android or Apple APP stores, it may be easier to run a Windows Netextender version under emulation software.
I am not aware of any requirement to provide either Netextender or Connect Tunnel for ARM processors in Linux. If we had a customer request, with Sonicwall sales supporting the Request for Enhancement (RFE), it is a future possibility.
LOL. Can't edit OP after 15..
Here is the installation of netextender:
--- SonicWALL NetExtender 10.2.826 Installer [...]
Set pppd to run as root [y/N]? y
Copying files...[...]
./install: line 298: /usr/sbin/netExtender: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
------------------------ INSTALLATION SUCCESSFUL -----------------------
Unfortunately, the GUI won't start
pi@raspberrypi:~/Machine_rpi4/netExtenderClient $ netExtenderGui
2021-07-10 11:21:45 EDT INFO com.sonicwall.NetExtender Logging initialized.
2021-07-10 11:21:46 EDT INFO com.sonicwall.NetExtender NetExtender version 10.2.826
2021-07-10 11:21:46 EDT SEVERE com.sonicwall.NetExtenderControl Could not load
2021-07-10 11:21:46 EDT SEVERE com.sonicwall.NetExtenderControl Contents of java.library.path:
2021-07-10 11:21:46 EDT SEVERE com.sonicwall.NetExtenderControl /usr/java/packages/lib
2021-07-10 11:21:46 EDT SEVERE com.sonicwall.NetExtenderControl /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/jni
2021-07-10 11:21:46 EDT SEVERE com.sonicwall.NetExtenderControl /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf
2021-07-10 11:21:46 EDT SEVERE com.sonicwall.NetExtenderControl /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf
2021-07-10 11:21:46 EDT SEVERE com.sonicwall.NetExtenderControl /usr/lib/jni
2021-07-10 11:21:46 EDT SEVERE com.sonicwall.NetExtenderControl /lib
2021-07-10 11:21:46 EDT SEVERE com.sonicwall.NetExtenderControl /usr/lib
2021-07-10 11:21:46 EDT SEVERE com.sonicwall.NetExtenderControl Exiting NetExtender.
2021-07-10 11:21:46 EDT SEVERE com.sonicwall.NetExtenderControl
There was a problem loading the NetExtender JNI library.
Please reinstall NetExtender, and make sure you have a compatible version of Java installed. SonicWall recommends Sun Java 1.4 or higher.
Thank you for the explanation of the error. I'm a networking and hardware noob, so this is all new to me. I only just discovered what I'm looking to create is called a 'thin client' for RDP to Windows.
Once I started searching for 'thin client' I found other peeps using RPi4s as an inexpensive and sufficient solution. Setting up the RPis has been very simple so far, and if I'm going to start from zero and have to support these little boxes, I'd like to do it in Linux.
I work at a small firm and we're all Windows and currently using Net Extender. It was a no brainer to try to install NetExtender, since the office staff is already familiar with that software. I have need to build 3-4 of these solutions, so not a big deal--I could get away with several surplus machines off ebay, too. Just the RPi is a great product and I'd like to support them.
I will investigate the CLI as recommended by TKWITS and from the Linux/RPi side.
Thanks for your answers
Hi I'm also trying to set up remote connection to Windows PC from my Raspberry Pi 3.
I also ran into the same problem of launching Sonicwall NetExtender through GUI: bash: /usr/sbin/netExtender: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error. Did you have any luck solving this? Please share with me if you have any suggestions,
Hey folks, know this thread is ancient but I had some success running the installer after setting up Box64, which is a x64 to ARM converter utility… thing.
That said, I get a segmentation fault when doing so. this was the first google result so I figured I would add to the chain since I got a bit further. Not sure what the cause is but here's my console output:
sudo ./install*
--- SonicWall NetExtender 10.2.850 Installer ---
Checking library dependencies...
not a dynamic executable
Checking pppd...
Do you want non-root users to be able to run NetExtender?
If so, I can set pppd to run as root, but this could be
considered a security risk.
Set pppd to run as root [y/N]? y
mode of '/usr/sbin/pppd' retained as 4754 (rwsr-xr--)
mode of '/usr/sbin/pppd' changed from 4754 (rwsr-xr--) to 4755 (rwsr-xr-x)
mode of '/etc/ppp' retained as 0755 (rwxr-xr-x)
mode of '/etc/ppp/peers' changed from 2750 (rwxr-s---) to 2754 (rwxr-sr--)
mode of '/etc/ppp/peers/provider' changed from 0640 (rw-r-----) to 0644 (rw-r--r--)
mode of '/etc/ppp/peers/dsl-provider' retained as 0644 (rw-r--r--)
mode of '/etc/ppp/peers' changed from 2754 (rwxr-sr--) to 2755 (rwxr-sr-x)
Copying files...
Dynarec for ARM64, with extension: ASIMD CRC32 PageSize:4096 Running on Cortex-A72 with 4 Cores
Will use Hardware counter measured at 54.0 MHz emulating 3.4 GHz
Params database has 87 entries
Box64 with Dynarec v0.3.1 bd23e1f7 built on Aug 14 2024 22:02:08
BOX64: Didn't detect 48bits of address space, considering it's 39bits
Counted 24 Env var
BOX64 LIB PATH: ./:lib/:lib64/:x86_64/:bin64/:libs64/:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
BOX64 BIN PATH: ./:bin/:/usr/local/sbin/:/usr/local/bin/:/usr/sbin/:/usr/bin/:/sbin/:/bin/
Looking for /usr/sbin/netExtender
Rename process to "netExtender"
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
Using native(wrapped)
8627|SIGSEGV @0x7f89987440 (strncmp(/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ (x64pc=0x60593/"???", rsp=0x7f89761e18, stack=0x7f88f63000:0x7f89763000 own=(nil) fp=0x7f89761fe0), for accessing (nil) (code=1/prot=0), db=(nil)((nil):(nil)/(nil):(nil)/???:clean, hash:0/0) handler=(nil)
RSP-0x20:0x0000000000000000 RSP-0x18:0x0000000000000000 RSP-0x10:0x00000000663dae20 RSP-0x08:0x000000000000002f
RSP+0x00:0x000000000042ca74 RSP+0x08:0x0000000000623911 RSP+0x10:0x0000000200000000 RSP+0x18:0x0000000000000000
RAX:0x0000000000000000 RCX:0x0000000000623768 RDX:0x0000007f89761e70 RBX:0x0000000000000000
RSP:0x0000007f89761e18 RBP:0x0000007f89761fe0 RSI:0x000000000062380d RDI:0x0000000000000000
R8:0x00000000006236c7 R9:0x7ed8320300000000 R10:0x0000000047888915 R11:0x000000000000000f
R12:0x0000000000000000 R13:0x0000000000000000 R14:0x0000000000000000 R15:0x0000000000000000
ES:0x002b CS:0x0033 SS:0x002b DS:0x002b FS:0x0043 GS:0x0053
./install: line 265: 8627 Segmentation fault /usr/sbin/netExtender -i
------------------------ INSTALLATION SUCCESSFUL -----------------------
To launch NetExtender, do one of the following:
(look under the 'Internet' or 'Network' category)
You said the install segfaults, but can you actually run netextender now it's installed?