RFE: Option to have white dashboard backgrounds in SonicWall products

{{Note: @Chris , I'm putting this here because I can't think of the appropriate category...}}
I’ve ranted enough about the illegibility of the new SonicWall 4-color palette. No one wants to hear ranting, there are enough problems in the world, a UI is the least of it.
But on the other hand, I think your new dashboards need some design reconsideration.
So I would like to make a Request for Enhancement: Please provide an option to change the black background to white (or extremely light grey).
It would make using these new dashboards significantly easier.
Heck, one of your major competitors, Sophos, managed to do this years ago: https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2018/12/13/xg-firewall-joins-sophos-central/
Thanks for your consideration.
Hey @Larry ,
Got your feedback and I will be reporting it up to our designers. Thanks for tagging me to bring it to my attention.