Edit of a post not working

in Water Cooler
it's often my fault that after writing a post I hit Send to soon and minutes (seconds) later I would like to add a thought.
I tried this here a few minutes ago and got this message:
{ "Code": 403, "Exception": "You need the Vanilla.Discussions.Edit permission to do that.", "Class": "Gdn_UserException" }
Maybe you can look into this to help some hasty people like me 🙄
Category: Water Cooler
First let me congratulate you for being the first to achieve the Enthusiast rank!
Edit time is determined by a users rank. The higher the rank the more time users have to edit their posts. We're still playing around with these and fine-tuning but I have gone ahead and increased the edit time for Enthusiasts from 15 minutes to one hour.
Hopefully this helps.