Tunnel Interface VPN bug
Hey! Here I am again.
I noticed that in SonicOS 6.5.3.x, 6.5.4x, 6.5.5.x I have to mark the option "Enable Management" in access rules.
If I don't check this option, I can't get to any hosts in both directions. Tested in 10 SonicWalls.
Even if the rule is created automatically it does not work properly.
Is this a bug or implementation?
Best regards!
Category: Firewall Management and Analytics
Hi Bruno,
first of all, 6.5.5.x? Where did you get this from? seems to be the latest, just a typo?
Second, the Enable Management in the access rules only allows traffic to the Firewall IPs and is not related to the remaining VPN traffic. This is usually needed if you need to access the Firewall Management via a alternate IP address.
I'am running plenty of machines with VPN Tunnel interfaces and none needs the "Enable Management".
Did you checked with Packet monitor what happens?
Yep, my error, it's!
The packet monitor says dropped by policy when this option is not enabled.
Hi @brunogabriel,
I guess the Firewall rules are for LAN -> VPN? The related address objects are in the correct zones?
Did you checked the routing policies that there is no conflicting route with a better priority?