Warning - Upgrade to macOS BigSur (10.16 and 11.X) is not recommended yet

Folks - quick note of caution regarding the macOS 10.16/11.x announcements (a.k.a Big Sur). We are working with SentinelOne on a client and S1 engine that will work without dependency on kernel extensions (Kextless). Once this is generally available, we will expedite support via Capture Client as well.
In the interim, you may be seeing popups for "legacy" applications signed by Sentinel Labs. If you are using an MDM to auto-approve these applications, they will not pop-up.
WARNING - Do Not Upgrade your macOS to 10.16 (Beta) or 11.X (GA) until the new agent is available and you have upgraded your client with the new agent.
Thanks for your patience - we will update this thread once we make the new agent available.
Hey @SuroopMC,
Thanks for the heads up. We can still be on 10.15.5 though right?
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Yup - no know problems there
Please refer article @ https://www.sonicwall.com/support/knowledge-base/capture-client-compatibility-with-macos/181002091913953/ for "Capture Client Compatibility With MacOS".