Oh you and your catchy acronyms...

I received an email recently from SonicWall about upcoming product classes. The body of the email appears below.
I've been a partner for a good long time and, well, I have to admit, I'm confused.
I know about the NSxy series, which are designed for mid-size and enterprise type accounts.
Having asked specifically, @shiprasahu93 told me that CSC-MA (Capture Security Center - Management) is going to become NSM soon. But otherwise, I would not have known that. (Signing up still doesn't spell it out or tell you what it is.)
I do know about the TZ series, having used it for years.
But why would someone expect me to sign up for training for CSa if this email doesn't tell me WHAT that is? Am I already supposed to know? If so, I probably don't need training; if not, then what's the point? (Heck, there's even a forum here, albeit empty.) And the thing is, I DID sign up - and it still didn't tell me what it is.
Can anyone explain why this tendency to use acronyms without explanations exists and how to get some common sense to reign?
Have a safe, happy Fourth!
Hi @Larry
the extensive use of unexplained acronyms should be reported to the AAA (agency against acronyms) :)
CSa stands for Capture Security Appliance :)
Hi @Larry,
CSa is Capture Security Appliance.
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services