Block page not shown correctly

The Content Filtering block page is not showed when a website is blocked, instead an error web page is shown by the browser. The same is true for virus blocking and other blocks.
Can I configure settings so that a message about being blocked by SonicWall always appears?
Category: Capture Security Center
Best Answers
MarkD Cybersecurity Overlord ✭✭✭
To expand on BWC - http can be intercepted and the sonicwall block page shown, without DPI-SSL there is no "resigning certificate" to insert the block page.
@BWC yes, DPI-SSL is enabled.
I did some tests on the "ecar" test page. When I try to download the test virus, it blocks, but the message on the browser page says an error (in Polish). But it's probably an IPS block - maybe that's why it doesn't display the message. It's similar on the Fortinet test page.
I didn't know there was no information about IPS and AppControl blocks.
Are there other test sites - e.g. SonicWall?
Thank you very much for the explanation.
I tested downloading from PaloAlto:
TZ370 blocked only the file from the first files - https and http - showed messages about blocking, the rest were downloaded, and scanning in Capture ATP (for the https channel) did not show a threat. The remaining files could be downloaded.
Fortigate 60E blocked all test files and displayed appropriate messages.