I can't fully uninstall capture client

I uninstalled an endpoint from the capture client webgui management
the uninstallation didn't quite work, as there are some leftover files, and we can't reinstall capture client either as those files do prevent the installation
we can't use either the capture client cleaner
as we lack of the auth code, as the end point is not registered anymore in the webgui
There was, a sonicwall guide, where it instructed you about changing those files permissions, and then deleting those files, but there's no way to change permissions, as it keeps refusing.
We don't want to re-image the whole unit
@nousers192392 - please reach out to support requesting the cleaner passcode, and they will provide it for you
I had a similar situation once. I couldn't remove an outdated client on a Windows 7 computer.
Through tech support I got a program called "SentinelCleaner.exe" that removed everything.