WLAN Same VLAN as LAN vs Native Bridge mode

I am new to SW. I want to setup our WiFi into 2 SSID's, one for the organization (we'll call it ORG) and another for Guest (ORG-Guest).
I see many that create 2 vlans for these wlans. The ORG wifi will be used for organization mobile devices (tablets, phones, laptops) only. No users personal devices.
Can I just set the ORG WiFi to the same VLAN as our LAN? (best practice?) Or should I keep it on it's own VLAN? I want the wireless devices to have same access to resources as wired for organization devices.
I also saw a video where the user used a native bridge to X0 for the ORG wifi subinterface.
Not really sure I understand what native bridge mode is for?
I really just want our ORG wifi devices on the same network as our wired devices.