GMS 9.2 not backing up settings according to schedule

I have configured GMS to backup the settings of each managed firewall daily at 0400 and save 10 copies of the files.
When I check the settings, the latest backup I'm seeing is June 6, or earlier for all the firewalls.
The Enable Settings File Backup checkbox is checked.
Is there any other config that needs to be done to get backups more often?
Category: Firewall Management and Analytics
Hello @shultis
Thank you for reaching us on SonicWall communities.
Tagging our Subject Matter Experts for further assistance.
@Saravanan @shiprasahu93 @Nevyaditha @Poorni_5
Thanks and Regards,
Sridevi G
Global Service Account Manager,Premier Services
Thanks for reaching out to SonicWall Community.
The issue with scheduled settings backup not working is a known issue with GMS 9.2 version and has already been reported to our Engineering team on incident ID "MAR-13010". The team is actively working on a fix. Below are few suggestions just to cross verify if your GMS also falls into the known defect.
For more details w.r.t log checking, you could take assistance from our support team at anytime.
Hope this helps. Have a better day!!!
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services
Thank you for the update. We rebooted the GMS server this morning troubleshooting another issue. I will check tomorrow to see if it's backing up on schedule, and then check the other tips.
Sounds good @shultis. Please keep us posted on how it goes.
Have a better day!!!
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services
@Saravanan It took a few reboots, while we were fixing other issues, but at some point, the backups started working normally. Thanks for the help
@SHULTIS - Glad to hear that backups are up and running. Thanks for posting us.
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services
For us, they work for a while and then fail again. Reboots seem to improve the situation somewhat.
Hi all,
restarting the Update Manager Service was the temporary fix in 8.7, not sure if this counts for 9.2 as well.
I think 8.7 was somewhat more reliable..
how about the scheduled settings backup in GMS 9.3 it still seems an issue. can you confirm this?