SWEET 32 Vulnerability
Hi All,
I have configured SSL VPN and our information security team has informed us that 3DES cipher is being configured on the port 4433 which is used for SSL VPN and we have tried to disable the same through all the possible methods like blocking from cipher control using AES in the VPN configuration, but still the same is coming.
Below mentioned ciphers is being shown that it is configured:
Any solution how can we disable these ciphers.
Category: SSL VPN
@shwazh what Firmware version you're running on your Firewall?
Firmware that we have is SonicOS Enhanced
Hopefully I'am not mistaken, but I believe Cipher Control does not affect SSL-VPN, only DPI-SSL, SSL Control and Management.
I checked on a deployment and 3DES wasn't returned for me.
I checked with "nmap --script ssl-enum-ciphers -p 4433 firewall-ip".
"Enable TLS compatible mode" on the internal settings is not enabled and TLS 1.1 is disabled.
Hi @BWC,
We have crossed check this is our output from nmap
Also can you share the path through which we can do the following settings.
"Enable TLS compatible mode" on the internal settings is not enabled and TLS 1.1 is disabled."
I totally overlooked your firmware version, there is a available, IMHO with SSL-VPN related fixes, sorry for that.
I enabled "Enforce TLS 1.1 and Above" at Manage → System Setup → Appliance → Base Setup.
On the internal settings page (replace main.html with diag.html in the address bar) I left "Enable TLS compatible mode" unticked and " Disable TLSv1_1" ticked.
Also on the internal settings page I have "SSL Version: TLSv1.2" and "Cipher Methods: Secure Ciphers" selected, but these settings are DPI-SSL related, should not be related to SSL-VPN.
Hi @BWC,
I have done the same but still the 3DES ciphers is still showing in the nmap output.
@shwazh did you updated to (you had -116n)? This might be the difference.
Thanks for the help @BWC
On the internal settings page (replace main.html with diag.html in the address bar) I left "Enable TLS compatible mode" unticked and " Disable TLSv1_1" ticked.
This worked with a restart.