SonicOS 8 (TZ 80) - Auto Update

I'am currently testing the new TZ 80 that comes with SonicOS 8, which is IMHO nothing new to SonicOS 7.1.2, except some kind of new Firmware Auto Update options.
But is this feature really working? When checking manually on the appliance it shoes 8.0.0-8026 is up to date, despite there is a 8.0.0-8035 available.
I already changed the update channel from "critical" to "stable", but this does not changed a thing. Are there any other update channels?
Update: NSM is showing the available Update right away when I changed from On-Prem to Cloud Management.
Category: Entry Level Firewalls
The Firmware 8.0.0-8037 gets recognized as new Firmware available on a TZ 80, but only on the update channel "stable". When I check the option "Critical Updates only", which sets the "critical" update channel, it will not be recognized as new Firmware available.
Due to the nature of the mentioned vulnerabilities fixed in -8037 I would assume this release is hopefully not only stable but critical as well?
@Community Manager this should be checked, IMHO.
Can you tell me what new options, "new Firmware Auto Update options"?
Sonic OS 7.13 & 8 looks the same.
@Sliderhome compared to 7.1.3 it's the same indeed, my mind was still on 7.0.1 because that's the branch I deployed to my customers.
That screenshot shows what I meant, even the Livedemo shows -8035 as up to date, despite -8037 should be the latest.
In my TZ370 with firmware 7.1.2 there is no prompt with information about new firmware, despite the option "check for available updates" being checked. In Dashboard/Overview it says: "Your firmware is up to date".
@Mariusz this was added with 7.1.3 and 8.0 (on TZ 80).
OK, thanks. I haven't updated to 7.1.3 yet.
Also, the current firmware is modified by support.